Tuesday, July 9, 2013

1.1 Business Partner (BP)

Business Partner (BP)/ Account & Contact Management


Whoever involved in our client business (Hercules Corp) they will be called as BP.
Whoever is having a business relationship with our client (Hercules Corp) will be called as BP.


Without out BPs no company will do business.


BP data will be used in all the area of CRM (MKT, Sales and Service) including applications (CIC, Web UI, Web Channels etc).


This BP function is not available in SD Module

For customizing BP you need to understand the following three steps:

1. BP Type:

In SAP CRM, whenever you want to create a new BP. Firstly, you need to choose BP Types. BP Types are three types as shown below
·         Person (Individual)
·         Organization (Company)
·         Group (Set of companies)

2. BP Roles:

Whoever is involved in client business will be maintained in SAP CRM, we can differentiate BP with help of BP Roles. Some of the BP Roles shown below

BP Role Category:

For Example:

                                Person                             Organization                      Group
                                Employee                         Sold to party                      Sold to party
                                Contact person                 Ship to party                     Ship to party
                                Sold to party
                                Ship to party

3.      BP Grouping:

During business partner creation, the number assignment is determined by a Grouping.
Whenever a new BP is created and saving this data (table: but000) will be saved with some unique identification number, this ID will either provided by system (internal) or user choice.

3.1  Number Ranges

A Range of the number will be called as Number Range.

o   1-1000      
o   1001 -10000         
o   10001 -20001

Number ranges are two types Internal or external.

3.1.1  Internal No Range:

If you set up any number range as internal then system will take control on this range and it will provide number in sequential order.

EX: 200000 - 299999 (Internal)

System will provide number whenever you use as given below.

o   200001                 
o   200002
o   200003-----3.4.5

3.1.2        External Number Range:

If you set up any number range as external its end user choice. He can allocate any number within the range we have assigned.

Note: He need not follow any sequential order.

  • 4000000  -  5000000(EXT)
    • 442424, 
    • 444444,
    • 455667
Customize has per client requirement
Gather and customize has per client requirement In GUI

BP Type:

BP types are standard we don’t have anything to customize in this area.

BP Role:
SAP standard                                                             Hercules Crop Requirement.
Sold to Party                                                             Hercules Wholesaler/ LG C&F,
Ship to party                                                             Hercules Authorized Distributor
Bill to party                                                               Hercules delivery location (ship to party)
Payer                                                                        Hercules Billed loc
Employee                                                                  Hercules Permanent Employee
Vendor                                                                      Hercules Contract Employee

 BP Grouping:

Hercules Requirement:
  • Hercules Wholesaler Internal Grouping (A unique name for No range)
                                                  700000 - 720000 –Internal
  • Hercules Auth Distributors Internal Grouping
                                                    720001   - 7300000 Internal
  • Hercules Employee Internal Grouping
                                                   730001 – 740000 Internal
  • Hercules Contract employees External Grouping
                                                    740001 - 750000 External
  • Hercules Vendor External Grouping
                                                     760000 - 770000 externals

  1. Customize BP Roles

Path: Spro -> Cross Application Application components ->SAP Business Partners -> Business partners ->Basic settings -> Business Partner Roles -> Define BP Roles.


  • Identify standard functionality
  • Click on copy button 
  • Change BP Role from BUP000 to ZHEMP (for Employee)
  • Change the Title & Description has per client requirement
  • Bellow BP Roles are customized

2. Customize Grouping and Number Ranges

Path: IMG -> Cross Application components -> SAP BP -> BP -> Basic settings -> Number Ranges and Groupings

2.1   Define Our own Number ranges

Create number ranges without overlapping
Choose which number range you want to chose external and click on external check box

2.2   Define Grouping and assign above No range to this grouping

Path: IMG -> Cross Application components -> SAP BP -> BP -> Basic settings -> Define Grouping and Assign Number Range

3. Customizes has per requirement 

Filed Grouping

Introduction: Using this field group concept will make some of the BP filed as a mandatory/Hide unnecessary file while creating bp. So we can avoid blank bp record.

This filed grouping can be done in various levels.

a. Client Level: If you make any filed is mandatory at client level, this filed will become mandatory for all bp roles which are existed in this client.

For example if you make country filed is mandatory at 800 client level, this filed will become mandatory for all the roles which are existed in this client.

b. BP Role level: If you make any filed is mandatory /hide this will be applicable for only that specific Role.

c.  Activity Level:  Either at the creation/Change levels you wanted to make some field are mandatory.

d.  BP Type Level: if you customize you own bp type(bp type is one of field in bp)

For example if you make city filed is mandatory for Hercules Dealer this will become mandatory for only this specific role.

Customize field grouping for Bp Role level.

                                        Hercules Wholesaler (bp role)
                                                                        Country (mandatory)
                                                                        Region (mandatory)
                                                                        Postal Code (mandatory)
                                                                        City (mandatory)
                                                                        Street 3(Hide)
                                                                        Street 4 ( Hide)

Path: IMG -> Cross Application components -> SAP BP -> BP -> Basic settings -> Field grouping -> Configure filed attributes for BP Role(BP Role Level)

  • First you need add your role which you wanted to filed grouping
  • By clicking on new entries
After adding the fields click on BP Role

Select Requirement Entry radio button if you want make any field is mandatory… (Country field mandatory)

4.      Test

Monday, July 8, 2013

1. Master Data

Master Data is also called "Universal Database"

Master Data Covers:

  1. Business Partner
  2. Organization Management
  3. Territory Management
  4. Product
  5. Product category 
I will try to explain each topic by taking an examples and with an screen shots.

Intro for SAP CRM

SAP CRM is an application that integrates with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) , SAP CRM is used by Midsize and Large Enterprise   in all industries and sectors.

SAP CRM mainly covers Marketing, Sales and Service. Currently, SAP CRM 7.0 version is running in the market.

SAP CRM is a comprehensive solution for managing customer relationship. It focuses from marking to sales and service as well Customer Interaction Channels like Mobile, Customer Interaction Center (CIC) and Web Application.

Types of Implementation SAP CRM:

If a company decided to implement an SAP CRM then there two type.

Type 1: Lets say they already using ECC (2004) now they want CRM (2013). So, in this case you will use middleware to replicate the data.

Type 2: Lets say you client has decided to implement SAP CRM. But, they never user any software. In this cases you will there requirement and implement SAP CRM this method is called "SAP CRM Standalone System".

Intro for SAP

ERP stands for "Enterprise resource planning", ERP is a business management software that helps an organization to manage their business by using their resource efficiently. ERP software integrates all departments like HR, Finance, operation, product planning, development, manufacturing processes, sales and marketing.
Generally, If a company/organization has decided to implement ERP software. They choose ERP vendors based on their organization size and needs. 
ERP vendors are classified into" large enterprise", "mid-market" and the "small business" in  ERP market. SAP comes into Large Enterprise ERP (ERP Tier I)

ERP Market Share

During 2012 the worldwideEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market experienced sluggish growth of just 2.2%, yet Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), financial management and Human CapitalManagement (HCM) applications showed potential for breakout growth.
Through the challenging times of the previous year however, SAP still retained worldwide market share leadership

Key Take-Aways
  • Overall market growth of just 2.2% and the top ten vendors owning 64% of the worldwide ERP market is leading Gartner to predict further consolidation of the industry.
  • SAP had just over $6B in total ERP software revenue in 2012, leading the worldwide market with 24.6% market share.  Oracle ORCL +1.56% had $3.12B and Sage, $1.5B in software revenues for 2012.  Oracle’s market share was 12.8%, and Sage, 6.3%. The following graphic shows worldwide ERP market share for 2012.
According to Gartner future predication, SaaS-based ERP revenues are projected to grow from 12% worldwide in 2013 to 17% in 2017.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Test Mail


This is Raghu, I want to share some basic concepts of SAP CRM

Test Mail